Rows of stands stocked with organic foods and more will line De Neve Plaza today from 3 to 7 p.m. for the second official UCLA Farmers Market.
Category Archives: Campus
Looking Young Again
The newly renovated first floor of the library, which opened just in time for the start of the academic school year, has attracted a new crowd to YRL.
Credit unions emerge as viable alternatives in light of banking fees
Recent consumer backlash against Bank of America for debit card fees has raised questions about the viability of alternative financial institutions, like credit unions.
Student creates UCLA-exclusive classified website,
Whenever an idea comes to him, Ryan Krebs writes it down.
Programs, screenplay plots or business plans, Krebs records them all.
UCLA Quidditch team seeking World Cup win
After brandishing shirts on Bruin Walk and broomsticks on the Intramural Field, UCLA’s club Quidditch team is about to seek its first title at the World Cup tournament in New York in November.
UC system seeks further alumni donations
Nancy Korb graduated from UCLA more than 28 years ago, but she still regularly spends time with her former roommate from UCLA.
Merit-based pay raise program implemented for UC faculty, staff
A one-year program to award merit-based salary increases for University of California faculty and staff formally began on Saturday.