Librarians, allies demonstrate for academic freedom amid UCOP negotiations

University of California librarians and their allies marched across campus Wednesday with their mouths taped shut in support of academic freedom for librarians. University Council-American Federation of Teachers, a union that represents UC librarians and non-Senate faculty, held the demonstration during their lunch break between contract negotiation sessions with the University of California Office of […]

USAC recap – Sept. 25

The Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government representing the undergraduate student body at UCLA. Council meetings take place every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students. Watch a livestream of the meetings on the USAC Live! channel on YouTube, which can be accessed with a […]

Charges dismissed after professor involved in fatal 2008 lab fire fulfills deal

This post was updated Sept. 23 at 10:07 p.m. A Los Angeles judge dismissed criminal charges against a UCLA professor whose failure to enforce proper safety precautions resulted in a 2008 lab fire and the death of a lab assistant. Patrick Harran, a professor of chemistry, is thought to be the first American professor criminally […]

California Public Employment Relations Board issues formal complaints against UC

This post was updated Sept. 21 at 3:08 p.m. A state judicial administrative agency brought formal complaints Friday against the University of California after a UC employee union alleged the University was withholding employee contact information from unions. The California Public Employment Relations Board issued the complaints after American Federation of State, County and Municipal […]

Student-to-student car rental service cruises into UCLA

Students can now take longer trips on a budget using a new app that lets students rent cars from each other. Lula is a car rental service through which users can sign up and select whether they want to rent cars or let other students rent their cars. Cars can be rented by the hour […]

Bear Necessities summer camp brings Bruin cubs to the outdoors

Camp counselors “Curly” and “Horcháta” said once the kids at Camp River Glen figured out how to make Woodsey Bling, special camp necklaces, they wouldn’t stop. About 30 children from ages 7 to 10 attended Bear Necessities this summer, a camping program put on by UCLA Recreation and UCLA UniCamp, a service organization that sends […]

UCLA student wins award for diversifying voices in mainstream environmentalism

Valeree Catangay grew up in Long Beach, California, near the intersection of two major freeways where tens of thousands of trucks drive by every day. When she visited Long Beach to experience pollution in the community firsthand, she saw how ground travel can have a detrimental effect on the environment. “I didn’t realize how much […]