Bruins celebrate homecoming tradition, attendees have mixed reactions

By 11 p.m. on Friday night the Intramural Field was cleared.

The gold and blue arch of balloons that stood over the entrance was taken down; the inflatables and Velcro wall had been deflated; and all that remained of UCLA’s first homecoming carnival in seven years were tents and a cleanup crew

UCLA seeks to increase revenue from nonresident tuition by recruiting out-of-state and international students

In a time of insufficient state funding and increased demand for admission, UCLA is pouring its efforts into recruiting out-of-state and international nonresident students ““ particularly in Asia.

UCLA Office of Residential Life hosts Diwali celebration on the Hill, welcoming students of all backgrounds

Celebration of the annual Diwali festival ““ a five day celebration that is one of the most important events of the Hindu religious calendar ““ came to the Hill Wednesday and Thursday through the Office of Residential Life.

Study by Kaplan Test Prep found law schools look at social networking sites when evaluating applicants more often than other graduate schools

Law schools may be looking at applicants’ Facebook pages more often than other admissions offices, according to Kaplan Test Prep’s 2011 survey of college admissions officers.