New Court of Sciences Student Center appeases South Campus hunger

Past a small, somewhat inconspicuous sign advertising UCLA’s newest dining facility, students can be seen lounging on the South Campus Court of Sciences Student Center’s grass rooftop patio and heading underground toward its restaurants.

After more than two years of construction, the center saw its first customers Tuesday.

The new center, which is certified by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for energy efficiency, replaced the Bombshelter, South Campus’ former dining area that was demolished in 2009.

Marathon finish: Participants find multiple ways to recover over the weekend after dancing 26 hours

As the clock struck 1 p.m. on Sunday, 26 hours of standing and dancing officially came to a close. More than 800 Dance Marathon participants collapsed onto the floor of Ackerman Grand Ballroom, exhausted, muscles aching and beads of sweat on their foreheads.