An increasing number of college students are turning away from traditional methods of note-taking, instead looking for other ways to keep track of their coursework.
Category Archives: Campus
Hundreds switch from Bruin OnLine email services to Google Apps for UCLA
Hundreds of current students, alumni and retirees made the switch from Bruin OnLine email services to Gmail since the application went live last week.
UCLA alumna Janet Liang passes away from leukemia
Janet Liang, UCLA alumna and a prominent figure in the push for more bone marrow donations for Asian Americans, died Sept. 12 in Houston, Texas after a three-year battle with leukemia.
UCLA historian, novelist Alexander Saxton dies at 93
Alexander Saxton, a professor in the history department for more than 20 years and former director of the UCLA Asian American Studies Center, died on Aug. 20 at his home in Lone Pine, Calif. He was 93.
UCLA student attends Democratic National Convention as delegate
Red, white and blue paraphernalia adorned the arena. Swarms of news crews scattered the floor, as thousands of people, some of them recognizable from major television networks, came together.
USAC Recap – Sept. 4
The Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government of UCLA’s undergraduate students. Council meetings are Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students.
UCLA staff members dedicate day to coding in first YRL Hackathon
Students buried their heads deep into their textbooks, studying for summer session midterms in the futuristic pods of the remodeled Charles E. Young Research Library.
But just a few yards away, about a dozen staff members gathered together, deeply engrossed in their own summer project: the YRL Hackathon.