The undergraduate student government recently endorsed Proposition 30, an item on the November state ballot, in an effort to educate students about the potential implications of the measure on the University of California.
Category Archives: Campus
Gov. Jerry Brown speaks at Proposition 30 rally in Bruin Plaza
California voters will determine the fate of Proposition 30, which would raise the California sales tax by a quarter of a cent for four years, as well as income taxes on households that earn $250,000 or more annually for seven years.
_Brown talks education during UC newspaper interview_
Gov. Jerry Brown said there is no alternative to cutting millions from the University of California if voters do not approve Proposition 30, a tax increase measure that is polling around 50 percent approval, in an interview with seven UC student newspapers on Tuesday.
Monique King fills new ASUCLA executive chef position
Food service workers will soon get used to seeing a new face on campus, as Monique King, Associated Students UCLA’s first executive chef, familiarizes herself with the ins and outs of the many restaurants scattered around UCLA.
UCLA professor emeritus Lloyd Shapley wins Nobel economics prize
Lloyd Shapley, a UCLA professor emeritus of mathematics and economics, and a Harvard University professor were awarded the Nobel economics prize for their joint research, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced Monday.
Maintenance cost for Royce Quad lawn increases due to excessive student use
Upkeep of portions of Royce Quad’s lawn have proven costly for UCLA facilities staff in recent months because of an increase in student use.
Hedrick dining hall to reopen winter quarter as test kitchen for Sproul's dishes
Sheets of brown paper that have blocked the doorway of Hedrick dining hall for three weeks may soon be torn away to allow hungry residents to enter the closed dining hall once again.