Bronies at UCLA club fosters community of ‘My Little Pony’ lovers

Six different kinds of sandwiches were laid out on the table of the Delta Terrace lounge – each was wrapped in cellophane and decorated with a drawing of a pony. Around the table, a group of UCLA students gathered on Saturday morning to watch the mid-season return of one of their favorite TV shows, “My […]

Obituary: Devoted journalist Jessica Lum, 25, dies after struggle with cancer

The original version of this article contained an error and has been changed. See the bottom of the article for additional information.  Jessica Lum – a UCLA alumna, former Daily Bruin photo editor and talented and understanding storyteller – died on Jan. 13 after a four-year battle with a rare, incurable cancer. She was 25. […]

UCPD to enforce dismount zones with tickets

The original version of this article contained an error and has been changed. See the bottom of the article for additional information. Starting today, university police will give tickets to students riding bikes, skateboards or scooters in designated dismount zones on campus, such as Bruin Walk and Bruin Plaza. In 2009, the university set up […]