The state of Calif. and the University of California system both face across-the-board cuts in federal spending that are scheduled to take effect this week.
Category Archives: Campus
Kohli Calling: Dinner for 12 Strangers bridges differences
The concept of going to a stranger’s house for dinner, with a dozen other strangers, is an extremely odd one to me.
After lawsuit, UC must disclose venture capital investments
The University of California must publicly disclose by mid-March the performance of its individual funds invested in top-tier venture capital investment firms, the California Superior Court ruled earlier this month. The ruling has caused some UC officials to worry about losing future investment opportunities.
Condoleezza Rice will speak at UCLA
Joining the ranks of many high-profile speakers before her, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will address UCLA this evening at the annual Daniel Pearl Memorial Lecture.
UCLA Russian Club learns through Durak
Sitting in his room in Saint Petersburg, Russia, Sydney Heller reminisced about the first time he played Durak, a popular Russian card game.
UCLA offers math course for life sciences
UCLA students with majors in the life sciences will have the option to take an alternative to traditional math requirements starting next quarter.
TED conference streams live at UCLA
The Anderson School of Management’s second annual partnership with the Technology, Entertainment and Design conference – commonly known as the TED conference – has expanded to other graduate schools at UCLA and will include live discussions with TED speakers. The entire conference, which takes place annually in Long Beach, will be broadcast live at Anderson’s […]