GSA spring ballot to include fee increase and advisory referendums

If passed by the graduate student body, the first referendum would increase funding for the financially struggling Graduate Writing Center by raising graduate student quarterly fees $1.50 per quarter – from $4 to $5.50. Additionally, the referendum will tie future quarterly fees to inflation.

GSA votes to place fee increase referendum on spring ballot

The original version of this article contained an error and has been changed. See the bottom of the article for additional information. The graduate student government voted to place a fee increase referendum on the spring ballot, at its meeting today. If passed by the graduate student body, the referendum would increase funding for the […]

Magazine ranks UCLA eighth best university in the world based on reputation, 13th overall

UCLA has once again moved up the ranks in terms of world university reputation, according to the analyses of a British higher education magazine released Monday. The Times Higher Education magazine ranked UCLA as the eighth best university in the world based on reputation – up one spot from its position last year. The University of […]

UC forms committees to select new UC president

The University of California Board of Regents recently created five committees involved with the search for the new UC president, who will take office after Mark Yudof steps down from the position in August. The UC Office of the President outlined in a press release on Friday the details of the months-long selection process, which […]