Struggling computer store, restaurants highlight need for ASUCLA to control costs

Lower-than-expected revenues at North Campus eateries and the student union computer store this year will most likely cause Associated Students UCLA to make adjustments in its services and management for the 2013-2014 school year, according to officials.

Supreme Court to hear Michigan affirmative action suit

The United States Supreme Court announced last week it will hear a second case on the constitutionality of affirmative action, this time concerning a ban in Michigan similar to one that already exists in California. Affirmative action consists of policies that favor underrepresented groups based on factors such as race, color, sex or religion. The […]

Mock constitutional convention serves as final exam for political science class

An American flag, draped over a gold-colored pole, stood in front of a conference room in the UCLA Career Center. Posters bearing phrases from the preamble of the United States Constitution lined the room’s walls. The decor was part of a mock constitutional convention hosted last week as the final exam for Political Science 149: […]

California bill proposes awarding credit for certain online courses

A recently introduced bill would require California public colleges and universities to award credit for online courses students have to take because they could not register for over-enrolled classes – legislation that has garnered criticism from University of California faculty. California Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg introduced the legislation last week. It is the […]