Student-initiated fee increase proposal received enough signatures to go on spring ballot

Students collected enough signatures to place a student-initiated $9.93 quarterly fee increase proposal on the ballot for the spring elections, after the undergraduate student government rejected the proposal at a meeting last week.

USAC Recap – April 9

Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government of UCLA’s undergraduate students. Council meetings are Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students. Agenda – About 100 students attended the meeting for public comments. – The weekly contingency funds were unanimously approved by the council. – The council unanimously […]

ElectriCity: Online map charts LA energy consumption

From pastel to dark olive green, different neighborhoods across the Los Angeles area light up on an interactive online map. With the click of the “play” button on the map, a foliage of greens flashes on the screen, depicting changes in energy use over a period of 18 months. Researchers at the UCLA California Center […]

UCLA, Chancellor Block seeks to foster student veterans

Chancellor Gene Block announced a new initiative last week to help increase public understanding of veterans issues as members of the armed forces return home from overseas deployment. The UCLA Veterans Initiative officially started in January, when UCLA co-sponsored a veterans reception in Washington, D.C. The initiative is a yearlong effort to educate the UCLA […]