Student notetakers no longer to receive monetary stipends

By copying his notes for students with disabilities, Brian Tat earned $800 in four quarters – money he has used to pay for his own textbooks. But beginning this spring, student notetakers like Tat, a second-year statistics and mathematics economics student, will no longer receive stipends for their services. The UCLA Office for Students with […]

Graduate Writing Center awaits fate of referendum to alleviate deficit

The original version of this story contained an error and has been changed. See the bottom of the article for additional information. The Graduate Writing Center will no longer be able to hire graduate student writing consultants using “return-to-aid” funds, university officials said. The university recently announced plans to cut the revenue for the center, […]

UCLA officials unable to confirm safety of seven people in or en route to Boston during explosions

UCLA officials had not confirmed as of 10:30 p.m. the safety of seven people connected to the university who were either in Boston or en route to the city during Monday’s explosions at the 2013 Boston Marathon.

Ashe Center opens new Saturday hours through spring quarter

Students with the sniffles during the weekend can now go to the Arthur Ashe Student Health and Wellness Center on Saturdays for walk-in appointments.
A new pilot program, which began April 6, extended the hours of the center to better accommodate the needs of students, said Dr. David Baron, executive director of the Ashe Center who also writes a column called “Ashe About Your Health” for the Daily Bruin.