Students push for increased communication with the UC Office of the President

The relationship between University of California President Mark Yudof and the student body has been tumultuous over the course of his term, which has led students to push for increased communication with senior level officials at the UC Office of the President.

Undocumented student returns to UCLA as a result of deferred action policy

He was 16 years old and needed a job with more structure. But he didn’t have the required identification papers as an undocumented resident.

So he turned to identification dealers, who drove him around Santa Ana, Calif. and gave him specific instructions to jump into a different car when they parked. They told him he was going be taken care of.

Construction projects aim for four-year UCLA on-campus housing guarantee

While living in Rieber Hall last year, Usman Azam became familiar with the sound of construction. As a night owl and late riser, Azam said he was often awoken by the early-morning construction on nearby Sproul buildings. The construction and renovation are part of a series of projects that have transformed the Hill in the […]

A Major Choice: Decision comes down to interests, finances

Corey Hollis knows when a student isn’t interested in their major. Grades are low, but they keep retaking the required classes. Maybe their parents will only pay for them to be in that major. Maybe they think their only job options are lawyer or doctor, she said. Fresh out of high school, many students pick […]

USAC Recap – June 4

The Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government of UCLA’s undergraduate students. Council meetings are Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students. Agenda Members of Associated Students UCLA’s communications board told the council that ASUCLA approved a five-year budget plan at its last meeting. The council approved […]