John Joanino, president of the Undergraduate Students Association Council,recently talked with Daily Bruin campus editor Amanda Schallert about his upcoming year on the council and the work USAC has undertaken this summer. The fourth-year sociology student spoke about USAC’s finances, student group funding and council initiatives this year. Daily Bruin: Next year, you will lead […]
Category Archives: Campus
Veteran graduates 28 years after first enrolling
He started at UCLA 28 years ago as a teenager from a poor part of Los Angeles, a former gang member who had seen his friends fall to gunshots and knives while still in high school.
USAC Recap – Sept. 17
The Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government of UCLA’s undergraduate students. Council meetings are Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students. Agenda The council approved contingency programming allocations with a 10-0-2 vote. Cultural Affairs Commissioner Jessica Trumble and Student Wellness Commissioner Savannah Badalich abstained from voting. […]
Ackerman Union’s Wolfgang Puck to open on Sept. 18
Wolfgang Puck, a casual dining restaurant in Ackerman Union, is scheduled to open to the public on Wednesday.
UC Regents to vote on funding for new UCLA engineering building
The University of California Board of Regents is slated to meet Tuesday through Thursday this week for its bimonthly board meeting. The board will vote Tuesday on whether to approve preliminary funding for an Engineering VI – Phase 2 building at UCLA. The building, which would be built adjacent to an Engineering VI – Phase […]
USAC allocates more funding to Bruin Bash and activities fair
The undergraduate student government allocated $40,000 of this year’s projected surplus to fund Bruin Bash and the Enormous Activities Fair, after students organizing the event said its current level of funding was insufficient.
UCLA Dance Marathon to be held spring quarter in Pauley Pavilion
The Pediatric AIDS Coalition at UCLA is moving the location of its annual Dance Marathon from Ackerman Grand Ballroom to Pauley Pavilion and pushing the event to spring quarter.