USAC Recap – Sept. 24

The Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government of UCLA’s undergraduate students. Council meetings are Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students. Agenda The council approved contingency allocations with a 7-0-5 vote. Five council members abstained from voting to avoid a conflict of interest. Appointments The council […]

Wolfgang Puck Express opens at UCLA, alcohol sales pending

After years of planning and months of construction, the much anticipated Wolfgang Puck Express opened its frosted glass doors in Ackerman Union last week. The casual dining restaurant, which is one of the first to serve alcohol on campus, officially opened on the first floor of Ackerman Union Sept. 18. The bar, tucked near the […]

Former Mexican military cadet aims to give back

After a year of training at a military academy in Mexico, Francisco Reinosa decided to leave behind his country, the military and his mother to pursue a degree in psychology in the U.S. It was a hard decision, but one he said he felt he had to make to give more purpose to his life. Reinosa, […]