Food Stamp Challenge at UCLA explores food insecurity

Pushing his cart through the aisles of Ralphs, Edwin Eshaghzadeh picked out peanut butter, bread, eggs, yogurt, tuna and black beans. Eshaghzadeh had only $31.30 to spend for a week’s worth of food, a budget he has not followed since he was a child and his family was on food stamps. When he was younger, […]

USAC Recap – Nov. 26

The Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government of UCLA’s undergraduate students. Council meetings are Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students. Agenda The council approved contingency allocations with a 10-0-1 vote. USAC Facilities Commissioner Armen Hadjimanoukian abstained from voting. The council unanimously voted to allocate $3,238 […]

Students launch club to gain support for biomedical ethics minor

During its first meeting, a new student club debated whether doctors have the right to conduct clinical trials on cancer patients, giving some patients a new drug and denying it to others. “It’s difficult because … (sometimes) you feel like clinical trials are wrong, but at the same time, they can potentially save millions of lives,” said […]

UCLA Foundation reaches settlement with former employee

A former UCLA employee reached an undisclosed settlement agreement with the UCLA Foundation Monday morning, the culmination of an eviction lawsuit brought forward by the university. In late October, the UCLA Foundation served Roselle Kipp with a lawsuit asking the court to evict Kipp from the boarding house that the UCLA Foundation owned, said Magda […]

Student groups sign letter asking USAC to defer stipend increases

Student group leaders plan to present a letter to theundergraduate student government tonight asking councilmembers to defer their stipend increases until next year and pass a bylaw amendment to prevent future councils from raising their own stipends. The letter asks that members of Undergraduate Students Association Council return the stipends they would receive for the […]

What’s happening at UCLA this week: Nov. 25-27

See what’s happening on your campus this week: MondayUCLA Jazz Combo ConcertDirected by Kenny Burrell, Charley Harrison, George Bohanon and more, this free concert will feature UCLA student jazz combos. Schoenberg Hall7 p.m.TuesdayBeat ‘SC Bonfire and RallyThe Student Alumni Association will be holding a pep rally to encourage students to support their football team when […]