Former UCLA employee arrested for embezzlement

This post was updated on Aug. 25 at 6:08 p.m. Police arrested a former UCLA personal assistant Thursday for embezzling about $80,000 from a bank account she was assigned to monitor for over a year. Casandra Carmen Jones, 51, was a hired as a doctor’s temporary personal assistant at the UCLA Department of Pathology and […]

Pauley Pavilion to host viewing party for Stanford football game

An undergraduate student government office will hold a viewing party in Pauley Pavilion for the October football game against Stanford University. Danny Siegel, Undergraduate Students Association Council general representative 1, said he began planning the on-campus tailgate project in May to get more student support for UCLA Athletics. UCLA administrators recently approved the project. Siegel […]

ASUCLA Services Committee recap – Aug. 21

Associated Students UCLA is a multimillion-dollar organization that provides student services and activities that the university does not fund and oversees the Undergraduate Students Association Council, Graduate Students Association, Communications Board, campus services and enterprises. The services committee meeting takes place every month and focuses on evaluating the services provided by the association, specifically the […]

ASUCLA Finance Committee recap – Aug. 21

Members of the Associated Students UCLA Finance Committee and the Communications Board discussed the association’s finances and possible models for UCLA Student Media at their monthly meeting Friday. Budgets Merchandise and computer sales were higher than expected in August. Third-party vendors, especially in Ackerman Union, also did well this month. Three-fourths of restaurant sales in […]

UCLA’s MedDreamers seeks to advocate for undocumented medical students

Seung Jin (James) Lee watched his parents buy over-the-counter medicine each time they got sick, wondering why they never sought medical treatment from a doctor like the other families in his suburban neighborhood. Without health care, his family did not have time to spare on visits to the doctor. His parents could not afford proper […]

Nearly 1,000 UCLA students waitlisted for fall 2015 parking permits

Selina Portera drops her two children off at school in Ventura County every day before she makes the 90-minute drive to attend her own classes at UCLA. She said having a car and a place to park is especially necessary for her because using public transportation would take two or three hours and is not […]

Tsunami relocates in Ackerman Union under name Kikka Sushi

Tsunami, a quick service restaurant in Ackerman Union, was relocated and renamed Monday after nearly a year of delays. Associated Students UCLA officials initially predicted the relocated restaurant would open last fall. While Tsunami was a joint partnership between ASUCLA and Kikka Sushi, an Asian food vendor in Los Angeles, Kikka Sushi will solely manage […]