Could inflation-adjusted USAC fees cover increase of student groups?

Each undergraduate student would have to pay an additional $60 this year to the undergraduate student government if the current $160 in student fees were adjusted to inflation. In this scenario, a portion of the extra $1.7 million the Undergraduate Students Association Council would receive would allow funding bodies to allocate more money to student […]

UCLA approves three new minors effective fall

UCLA undergraduate students can enroll in three new minor programs this fall in ancient and Near East Egyptology, global health and literature and the environment. The Faculty Executive Committee approved the new minors last spring, said Kyle McJunkin, director of the committee. Ancient and Near East Egyptology The ancient and Near East Egyptology minor was […]

Progress in fulfilling USAC resolutions vary

Each year, the undergraduate student government passes several resolutions to express its formal opinion on an issue, but councilmembers often have difficulty fulfilling the ideas expressed in the resolutions. Resolutions aim to represent the student body’s views. Councilmembers use resolutions to signal to the administration that they want a change in campus climate or policy […]

New, returning residents to find renovations to Hill facilities

This summer, UCLA housing officials renovated the Hill to include a new fitness center in Carnesale Commons, improvements to Saxon Residential Suites and the reopened Rendezvous residential restaurant. UCLA Housing spent roughly $3 million for the new fitness center, $2 million on the Rendezvous restaurant and $25 million renovating Saxon Residential Suites, said Rebecca Kendall, […]

UCLA employee inspires positivity in students after battling addiction

In 2011, Damone Brown thought he had it all – an apartment of his own and a well-paying social service job that allowed him to help the homeless. Within a year, he became homeless himself, unemployed and dependent on drugs. After years of battling addiction and homelessness, Brown began to rebuild his life by working […]

Diversity initiative pushes to be inclusive of South Campus courses

This fall, students will be able to begin fulfilling the diversity requirement and enroll in courses that aim to integrate social issues with science- and math-oriented classes, which faculty hope will spark an interest in science courses in the context of diversity. The initiative, which passed after 25 years of discussion, will require each incoming […]

USAC recap – Sept. 16

The Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government representing the undergraduate student body at UCLA. Council meetings take place every week on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students. Watch a live stream of the meeting on the USAC Live! YouTube Channel. Agenda Campus Events Commissioner Lexi […]