Two UCLA alumni created a mobile application last year that aims to improve the efficiency of emergency notifications in communities and address response time, relevancy and other technological limitations of other similar programs. Jon Dearing, a UCLA Anderson School of Management alumnus, and Wade Norris, a School of Engineering and Applied Science alumnus, said officials […]
Category Archives: Campus
Vice chancellor Jerry Kang launches CrossCheck, talks social issues
The vice chancellor of equity, diversity and inclusion launched a feature on his new university website Tuesday in an attempt to improve campus discussions about social issues. Vice Chancellor Jerry Kang will post self-written commentaries, other articles and videos on CrossCheck to help students better understand the concept of equity. Kang said he launched the […]
Experts, leaders discuss immigration at Global Diaspora Forum
Officials from the UCLA North American Integration and Development Center, or NAID center, announced a website Saturday that allows people to discover which immigrant communities are prevalent in certain areas. Rafael Barrientos, chief information officer of the Ministry of Economy of El Salvador who spearheaded the project to create the website, demonstrated how the site […]
CAPS reduces free visits per year from 10 to six
Beginning this fall, UCLA Counseling and Psychological Services, or CAPS, will only offer six free visits per academic year, compared to last year’s 10. Dr. Nicole Green, interim executive director, said CAPS decided to reduce the number of sessions because national statistics show the majority of students only seek four or five sessions per year. […]
Bruins for Bernie, Bruin Democrats host debate viewing party
Members of Bruins for Bernie joined Bruin Democrats for a Democratic debate viewing party Tuesday night, filling almost every seat in a 350-person lecture hall. Stomping and whistling drowned out parts of the live-stream of the event held in Young Hall. Students cheered for a majority of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) political platforms, but were […]
UCLA class sizes, housing demands to rise in response to state mandate
UCLA class sizes and housing demand will increase next year when the university accepts 500 additional in-state students, as mandated by the May deal struck between Gov. Jerry Brown and the University of California Board of Regents. The budget deal will allocate an extra $25 million to the UC if the University accepts an additional […]
A tale of two students: Studying abroad and UCLA
UCLA’s study abroad programs allow students the opportunity to take courses at acclaimed universities around the world. However, UCLA also accepts foreign students who want to study in the United States. How are these two experiences different? How are they alike? Fourth-year history student Jake Battinga, who studied abroad in Germany, and neuroscience graduate student […]