The University of California’s updated employee health packages for the next academic year will focus on preventative services for certain diseases, according to a UCLA statement. Open Enrollment opened Thursday, giving UC employees the ability to review updated health packages and choose one that suits their needs. Next year’s benefit packages will cost up to […]
Category Archives: Campus
UC chancellors submit amicus brief supporting affirmative action
University of California President Janet Napolitano and all 10 UC chancellors announced their support for affirmative action in admissions decisions in a statement submitted to the United States Supreme Court Monday. UC officials submitted the statement, called an amicus brief, to supplement information presented in the case Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, which […]
UCPD to restrict and regulate on-campus hoverboard usage
University police will more strictly enforce hoverboard restrictions on campus walkways and in buildings after student pedestrians reported safety concerns last week. UCPD spokesperson Nancy Greenstein said UCPD currently classifies hoverboards as skateboards, which students aren’t allowed to ride on sidewalks, bike paths or roadways to minimize pedestrian collisions. Beginning Jan. 1, 2016, hoverboards will […]
Weekend familiarizes parents with UCLA campus, student life
Sherry Haley said she was proud to see her daughter involved in several campus activities when she visited the UCLA campus for Parents’ Weekend on Friday. “My daughter is a first-generation college student and I can see the growth in her,” said Haley, mother of a first-year mathematics student. SPECTRUM GALLERY: Parents’ Weekend 2015 During […]
ASUCLA Board of Directors recap – Oct. 30
Associated Students UCLA is a multimillion-dollar organization that provides student services and activities that the university does not fund. It oversees the Undergraduate Students Association Council, Graduate Students Association, Communications Board, campus services and enterprises. The board of director meetings are monthly and open to the public. Executive director’s report ASUCLA Executive Director Bob Williams […]
Alums create CampusNod online test bank for UCLA students
Earlier this month, four UCLA alumni launched CampusNod, a test bank website that allows students to upload and purchase old UCLA tests for $1 each. The CampusNod test bank offers about 10,000 exams in 77 subject areas, said Joel Yancey, a UCLA alumnus and co-founder of CampusNod. He added that 15 percent of the organization’s […]
Vote for Our Future aims to increase Bruin voter turnout
After struggling with low student voter turnout in his work on various political campaigns, Joe Jacobson decided he wanted to turn the numbers around. Jacobson, a third-year political science and economics student, and Steve Charmello, a second-year business economics student, created a student organization in June that aims to get all eligible UCLA students registered […]