USAC Election Board sanctions Waves of Change for paid Facebook post

This post was updated on April 26 at 10:30 p.m. The undergraduate student government Election Board sanctioned Waves of Change Tuesday for paying to promote their campaign on Facebook before paid advertising for the election begins May 2. According to election board campaign rules, sponsoring advertisements on Facebook is considered media advertising, not online campaigning, […]

American Academy of Arts and Sciences adds seven UCLA faculty members

The American Academy of Arts and Sciences elected seven UCLA faculty members to the organization Thursday. The elected professors come from varying academic backgrounds, including music, social sciences and natural sciences, according to a statement from UCLA. 213 members were elected this year, and 144 UCLA faculty are members of the Academy. The American Academy […]

USAC committee suggests changes to address food security, student safety

An undergraduate student government committee recommended Monday the council create a new position of food security director and increase its role in ensuring student safety, among other changes. The USAC Constitutional Review Committee, which suggests changes to USAC’s bylaws, issued the recommendations. Bylaws are the rules that stipulate the duties and responsibilities of each council […]

Ecuadorian Bruins raise money for earthquake relief efforts overseas

Manying Ng-Argudo’s family was at a mall in Ecuador when an earthquake struck. The mall’s electricity was cut and people began to jump from the second floor to the first in panic to avoid getting trapped on escalators and inside elevators. Ng-Argudo, a fourth-year psychology student, and other Ecuadorian students at UCLA recounted how they […]

UCLA released animal treatment records in settlement for 2013 lawsuit

UCLA agreed to release animal treatment records in response to a lawsuit an animal welfare organization filed in 2013 that alleged UCLA withheld public documents. The Animal Legal Defense Fund represented Stop Animal Exploitation Now an animal welfare organization, in the lawsuit. ALDF alleged UCLA withheld documents and violated the California Public Records Act, and […]

Q&A: UCLA law professor discusses focus on Native American law

Carole Goldberg, vice chancellor for academic personnel, enrolled in law school in 1968 with the intention of providing legal services to the poor. But after taking a seminar in Native American law and writing a paper that was cited by the U.S. Supreme Court, Goldberg decided to focus on Native American law. UCLA hired Goldberg […]

Protesters march against animal testing in campus research labs

This post was updated on April 22 at 4:45 p.m. Animal rights activists marched to Chancellor Gene Block’s office Friday with signs depicting bleeding monkeys and other animals to protest animal testing in campus research labs. About 70 protesters from the Animal Justice Project held black and white signs with photos of animal cruelty, chanting […]