Waves of Change sanctioned after candidates campaign during a lecture

The undergraduate student government Election Board sanctioned Waves of Change Tuesday night after campaign material was found in a lecture hall and after two of its candidates campaigned in a classroom, according to Election Board investigation reports. The first report said that Undergraduate Students Association Coucil presidential candidate Denea Joseph and Cultural Affairs commissioner candidate […]

Students explore creativity through YouTube channels

Being a college student is hard enough, with stress coming from midterms, essays, finals and those coveted jobs and internships. Add running a social media empire to the equation, and you’ve got yourself on a whole new level. While navigating the quickly growing stratosphere of social media may appear daunting to the unsuspecting scholar, several […]

USAC Judicial Board to review Social Justice Referendum petition

Editor’s note: The referenda on the Undergraduate Students Association Council ballot do not directly compete with one another, but in the interest of full transparency, we believe it is worth noting one of the referenda on this year’s ballot directly benefits the Daily Bruin financially. The Daily Bruin and Bruinwalk.com Referendum would support the UCLA […]

Election board suspends second Social Justice Referendum sanction

Editor’s note: The referenda on the Undergraduate Students Association Council ballot do not directly compete with one another, but in the interest of full transparency, we believe it is worth noting one of the referenda on this year’s ballot directly benefits the Daily Bruin financially. The Daily Bruin and Bruinwalk.com referendum would support the UCLA […]

USAC Election Board releases campaign spending totals

The post was updated at 10:06 p.m. Tuesday to reflect the most recent expenditure report released by the Election Board Tuesday afternoon. Candidates and referenda in this year’s undergraduate student government election spent a total of $19,000 on campaigns, about $7,000 more than last year. Campaign funding documents released by the USAC Election Board on […]

USAC candidate sanctioned for attaching signboard to lamp post

The undergraduate student government election board sanctioned Undergraduate Students Association Council general representative candidate Shubham Goel for attaching his signboard to a lamp post on Bruin Walk, according to an election board report published Monday night. As a result, Goel will be not be allowed to campaign on campus from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. […]

Election board further sanctions Social Justice Referendum

The undergraduate student government election board further sanctioned the Social Justice Referendum for exceeding the $750 spending cap and failing to disclose the source of a portion of the campaign’s funding, according to an election board investigation report published Monday night. The sanction, imposed after referendum representatives allegedly violated sanctions announced Sunday night, prohibits supporters […]