Pourdavoud Center for ancient Iranian studies to launch spring quarter

UCLA established a new interdisciplinary center focused on the study of ancient Iran and its influences on contemporary Iran. The Pourdavoud Center for the Study of the Iranian World is the first center in the Western Hemisphere focused on ancient Iranian languages, history and religions, according to a UCLA press release published Tuesday. The center […]

LGBTQ women share mixed views on Dashew Center’s speed dating event

Catherine Cheng looked around the room to see overeager men and guarded women at a speed dating event. Compared to them, she was having fun. Cheng, who sat at the women-looking-for-women table, was attending the Dashew Center for International Students and Scholars’ annual International Speed Dating event Thursday. The event, which was first held in […]

Student representatives excluded from recent conduct hearings

A committee that evaluates academic and behavioral infractions has been excluding student representatives from conduct hearings. The Student Conduct Committee handles violations of the student conduct code. If a student decides to contest that they did not violate the conduct code, they can go through a hearing process and the committee votes on whether the […]

UCLA offers Fiat Lux courses about Trump campaign, presidency

The UCLA Division of Social Sciences offered faculty up to $1000 to teach seminars about President Donald Trump and the 2016 election in the spring. Faculty will lead six seminars about issues relating to the 2016 election, some of which were awarded funds through the Social Sciences Dean’s Fund for Programs & Teaching Related to […]

UCLA Department of History announces addition of history minor

Students can minor in history as of winter 2017, the UCLA Department of History announced last week. The minor will require seven courses: two lower division and five upper division courses. The history department will be hosting an open house to introduce the minor to students on Feb. 14 in Bunche 6275 from 1 to […]

Photo: Armenian Student Association hosts event protesting Armenian genocide

The UCLA Armenian Student Association hosted its annual “Stain of Denial” event Thursday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Bruin Walk. The group said it hosted the event to inform others about the Armenian genocide, which took place in parts of the Ottoman Empire in 1915. The event also protests some countries, including Turkey, […]

Immigration attorney talks Trump executive order on immigration

An immigration attorney explained President Donald Trump’s recent executive order on refugees and immigrants Wednesday, to about 50 students and faculty. The Dashew Center for International Students and Scholars hosted Bernard Wolfsdorf, who immigrated to the United States from South Africa because he opposed apartheid. Wolfsdorf said he thinks the most important piece of advice […]