UCLA dentistry employee involved in rape allegation in Title IX report

One of the sexual harassment reports released by the University of California on Tuesday involved a rape allegation against a UCLA employee. An undergraduate student, whose name was redacted in the report, alleged Tarundeep Sandhu, a former UCLA School of Dentistry employee, raped the student while she was intoxicated after going out to a bar […]

LA Better Buildings Challenge awards UCLA for water efficiency

UCLA won an award Tuesday for its achievements in reducing drinking water consumption. The award, presented at the third annual Innovation Awards from the Los Angeles Better Buildings Challenge, recognized UCLA for conserving more than 28 million gallons of water last year, according to a press release. UCLA collected storm water runoff, condensation from air-conditioning […]

Bruins debate Democratic, Republican stances on gun control, health care

Bruin Republicans and Bruin Democrats discussed gun control, the Affordable Care Act and Russian sanctions Thursday night. Three Bruin Democrats and three Bruin Republicans students detailed their parties’ policy stances in front of a crowd of about 30 in Bunche Hall for their annual political debate. The two groups first discussed gun control, with Bruin […]

Student leaders take stance against Measure S in press conference

Student leaders, activists and a city council candidate declared their opposition to Measure S in a press conference Thursday. The undergraduate student government’s Office of the External Vice President, the Graduate Students Association and the BruinsVOTE! Campaign organized the press conference to inform news media of their position on Measure S. The event also featured […]

UCLA Democrats feel hopeful new DNC chair will unify party

Democratic student groups on campus said they hope the new chairman of the Democratic National Committee will work to unify the party to win back power in the government. Tom Perez, Secretary of Labor under former President Barack Obama, was elected the new chairman of the DNC on Saturday, and promptly appointed his rival in […]

UCLA faculty receive awards for teaching proposals, pedagogy

UCLA faculty recently received professional development awards honoring its research and teaching successes. Almost 90 lecturers won the annual Unit 18 professional development awards, UCLA announced Tuesday. The awards, which are distributed by the Non-Senate Council on Professional Development, support lecturers that have developed proposals to improve teaching. The prize provides awardees with funds to […]

Hacker sells access to databases at UCLA, other universities

A Russian-speaking hacker sold unauthorized access to databases for more than 60 universities and government agencies in the United States and United Kingdom, including UCLA. The hacker, called Rasputin, sold SQL injections which allow a hacker to access all the contents of an internet database, rather than only parts of it, for various databases according […]