UCLA Early Care and Education hires new interim executive director

Officials announced a new interim executive director for UCLA’s child care centers Friday. Deborah Shine Valentine will replace Jayanti Tambe on May 15 as director of the UCLA’s Early Care and Education centers, which provide child care for children of UCLA faculty, staff and students. In February, a task force found that Tambe, who resigned […]

ASUCLA Board of Directors recap – April 28

Associated Students UCLA is a multimillion-dollar organization that provides student services and activities that the university does not fund. It oversees the Undergraduate Students Association Council, Graduate Students Association, Communications Board, campus services and enterprises. Board of Directors meetings are monthly and open to the public. Executive Reports ASUCLA Executive Director Bob Williams said the […]

WWNC encounters obstacles in donating to CPO Food Closet

Westwood leaders are finding it difficult to donate to a UCLA student organization due to grant fees and a slow administrative process, some council members said. The Westwood Neighborhood Council wants to donate a $5,000 grant to the Community Programs Office Food Closet, but the grant application includes a stipulation that requires 35 percent of […]

Sproul Hall laundry room renovation to be completed by June

Sproul Hall will have a new, centralized laundry room after construction finishes in June. The laundry room will open in fall quarter and operate 24 hours a day. Students will be able to pay with their BruinCards instead of coins, said UCLA spokesperson Rebecca Kendall. Kendall added that the new facility, which will have 19 […]

USAC presidential candidate Arielle Yael Mokhtarzadeh talks platforms

This year’s undergraduate student government presidential candidate, who is running unopposed, said she has a vision to empower and unify the student body. Arielle Yael Mokhtarzadeh, a third-year communication studies student, double minoring in public affairs and Israel studies, said she aims to use her leadership experience to better serve students. She added she thinks […]

Residents evacuate after sprinkler causes flood in De Neve Holly

De Neve Holly flooded Saturday morning because a sprinkler on the ninth floor activated. Students evacuated the building at about 9:50 a.m. after the ninth floor started flooding. Residents were not able to return to their rooms until about 12:30 p.m. because water was trickling down to lower floors, said Los Angeles Fire Department Captain David […]