Recent change allows for students to use preferred names on BruinCard

Andy Talajkowski said they feel more validated and acknowledged after changing their name on their new BruinCard. “I think it’s ridiculous how the legal name is still used as the primary identification – UCLA should cater to different student communities,” Talajkowski, a third-year English student said. Since July, students have been able to print their […]

Westwood residents concerned over proposals for new student housing

Some Westwood residents said they are concerned that UCLA’s plans for new student housing may negatively impact the community. UCLA announced a proposal in May for additional student housing at five locations both on the Hill and around Westwood to accommodate increasing enrollment. Some Westwood Village leaders said at a recent hearing they think the […]

USAC recap – Oct. 3

The Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government representing the undergraduate student body at UCLA. Council meetings take place every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students. Watch a livestream of the meetings on the USAC Live! YouTube channel. Special Presentations: UCPD Lt. Kevin Kilgore said he […]

Volunteer Center aims to scale down, streamline Volunteer Day

Fewer students will attend UCLA Volunteer Day this year because the event has reduced the number of locations volunteers will be visiting. Students will visit 31 locations instead of 49, like last year, for this year’s Volunteer Day, an annual volunteering event for incoming students, said Ashley Love-Smith, the interim director of the UCLA Volunteer […]

IoES creates new environmental sustainability doctoral program

Students can now apply for a new doctoral program that aims to provide a more interdisciplinary approach to environmental sustainability. The UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability’s environment and sustainability Ph.D program is a research-oriented program starting in fall 2018 that allows students to develop customized programs and courses to develop their knowledge and […]

Academic Affairs Commission opens new study space in Kerckhoff Hall

Students will soon be able to study after midnight at a new study space in Kerckhoff Hall. The study space, which will be located at the Academic Affairs Commission Office in Kerckhoff 310, will open to students Wednesday. The space aims to provide more study areas for students, especially those who want to study late […]

Annual campus report shows increase in assault, decrease in burglary

More aggravated and sexual assaults were reported on or near campus in 2016 while the number of burglaries stayed around the same as 2015, according to an annual university report. University police released the 2017 UCLA Security and Fire Safety Report, which compiles crime statistics at UCLA and surrounding areas, last week. The Jeanne Clery […]