Pau Hana performance features studio courses from world arts and cultures department

The people of Hawaii have a phrase that they use to refer to the time of day when all of one’s work is finished and time is spent with family and friends: “Pau Hana,” or “end of work.”
Every quarter, the world arts and cultures department comes together for the Pau Hana performance to showcase what various classes have been doing over the quarter.

Graduate theater students to perform Anton Chekhov’s play “˜The Cherry Orchard’ as both comedy, tragedy

Though Anton Chekhov’s classic play “The Cherry Orchard” has been interpreted as both a tragedy and a comedy, UCLA theater graduate students bring out the lighter side of Russian history.

Lebanese Social Club hopes to break Middle Eastern stereotypes in annual culture show

Most people can tell you Lebanon is situated in the Middle East. Some might even know its political role in the region. But few can probably talk about the Lebanese people and culture as distinct from other cultures of the region.