Garofalo living it ‘Larger Than Life’ in new comedy

Monday, October 28, 1996 FILM: Actress glad to be working with Bill Murray, using improvisationBy Cecily Feltham Daily Bruin Contributor When actress Janeane Garofalo was in college she was voted the "Funniest Person in Rhode Island." But as popular as she was in America’s smallest state, the rest of the country hasn’t necessarily clued in […]

Screen scene

Friday, October 25, 1996 "Sunchaser" Directed by Michael Cimino. Starring Woody Harrelson and Jon Seda Academy Award-winning director Michael Cimino made himself a legend with his masterpiece "The Deerhunter." He then made everyone who praised him lose credibility with his "Waterworld"-like flop "Heaven’s Gate." Since then he has busied himself trying to make another ‘Deerhunter’ […]

Scare Tactics

Friday, October 25, 1996PARK: Ghouls, goblins terrorize visitors at Knott’s Scary FarmBy Jeff Hilger Daily Bruin Contributor Back in 1972, somebody at Knott’s Berry Farm had an incredibly bright idea. On Halloween night, the themed Ghost Town area of Knott’s became a foggy "scare-zone" with several dozen live monsters lurking in the dark to scare […]


Friday, October 25, 1996HALLOWEEN: Witches on broomsticks sighted at Disneyland By Jeff Hilger Daily Bruin Contributor They weren’t the first, but don’t hold it against these other parks. A wide array of Halloween-themed activities await students who have been to Knott’s Scary Farm and are looking for something new. The following events all offer Halloween […]