Friday, 2/28/97 ‘Donnie Brasco’ gets fresh with mafia genre English director Newell coaxes restrained performance from Pacino By Brandon Wilson Daily Bruin Staff Al Pacino can sometimes make a person wonder where all the hype comes from, like many actors of his esteemed generation. The actor finally snagged an Oscar, after laboring for years without […]
Category Archives: Arts
Show reveals pain of immigrant experience
Friday, 2/28/97 Show reveals pain of immigrant experience ‘Tracks of Tears’ traces plight of Chinese in 1860s U.S. By Sam Toussi Daily Bruin Contributor Playwright Bertolt Brecht once said that to educate, you must first entertain. This weekend the Association of Chinese Americans, UCLA’s 15-year-old cultural, social and community organization, will attempt to not only […]
Good Fella
Thursday, February 27, 1997 In the upcoming film ‘Donnie Brasco’ Johnny Depp stars as an undercover FBI agent. With Depp’s talent, plus help from co-star Al Pacino and the determination of director Mike Newell, the next step in the evolution of the Mafia movie has arrived. By Emily Forster Daily Bruin Senior Staff After starring […]
UCLA’s Vitas Film Festival focuses on student-made folklore documentaries
Thursday, February 27, 1997 FILM: Annual event seeks to increase awareness of other cultures and lifestylesBy Aimee Phan Daily Bruin Contributor Lowrider cars, a male stripper who wears a g-string made of pennies, and the costume design of Star Trek fans are only three of the subjects explored in the Vitas Film Festival, a two-day […]
‘Hamletmachine’ blends Bard with modern imagery
Thursday, February 27, 1997 THEATER: UCLA student brings intense visual flair to Müller’s six-page playBy Vanessa VanderZanden Daily Bruin Contributor "I was Hamlet," wails a voice in a rich falsetto. "I was Hamlet," he wails again. Madness overtakes the central figure, who, seated in a chair, stares intently at his twiddling fingers. Soon, various characters […]
Exhibit showcases growth, creativity of senior class
Thursday, February 27, 1997 ART: ‘Impudent’ allows students to go beyond genre and theme limitsBy Ismael Osuna Daily Bruin Contributor Where else but UCLA’s third annual Senior Art Exhibit can a person go see a piece titled "Smushfat Motherfucker  Babaa Do Saale Ko" and intentionally poor photography on display as art? Titled "Impudent," this […]
Wednesday, 2/26/97 Soundbites Live "Secret Samadhi" (Radioactive) With their third release, this Pennsylvania foursome gives us their most challenging record to date. "Secret Samadhi" is a consistent yet complex album in that it keeps its flow but doesn’t spell out all its intentions. You actually have to think about the music. The current hit, "Lakini’s […]