Monday, 4/14/97 Komeda serves up sassy show Swedish band lacks confidence but has potential to make it big By Kristin Fiore Daily Bruin Senior Staff This year, Sweden is exporting more than great meatballs. The year began with the rise of the Cardigans and may continue with the success of Sweden’s less pop-influenced but more […]
Category Archives: Arts
Percussion Ensemble varies rhythms
Monday, 4/14/97 Percussion Ensemble varies rhythms Concert features rarely performed 20th century compositions By Jammie Salagubang Daily Bruin Contributor What type of music includes something that resembles a toy windup siren in the musical score, distinguishes tin cans as instruments and recognizes flower pots as more than plant bearers? Alterna-hippie? Perhaps some folksy punk? Try […]
Monday, 4/14/97 Soundbites Soundtrack "The Saint" (Virgin) This is where the much-hyped movie and the over-hyped "electronica" fuse for a killer, hypnotic soundtrack that perfectly showcases what is being proclaimed as "the future of music." There are some extremely infectious dance songs on the "The Saint." The Chemical Brothers give us their absolutely fabulous "Setting […]
Living with the Past
Monday, 4/14/97 Living with the Past Something has survived: From the age of glamorous movie houses, a few theaters have maintained a classic Hollywood ambience, and some are thriving in Westwood. By Ricky Herzog and Aimee Phan Daily Bruin Contributors With all the new multiplexes popping up everywhere offering audiences over 10 choices of films […]
‘Grosse Point’ right on comedic target
Friday, 4/11/97 ‘Grosse Point’ right on comedic target Director Armitage presents dark qualities without sacrificing genre By Emily Forster Daily Bruin Senior Staff Making a funny film about not-so-funny people is never easy. When filmmakers create a comedy about a professional killer, they often sacrifice the gritty nature of their subject matter for the likability […]
Playing out a life-long dream
Friday, 4/11/97 Playing out a life-long dream Pianist Jeffrey Swann discusses his role in upcoming concert By Amanda Miller Daily Bruin Contributor Pianist Jeffrey Swann’s passion for classical music manifests the life and dynamism of the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival, a five-person ensemble to perform this Saturday at Schoenberg Hall. Swann admits that sometimes […]
Friday, 4/11/97 Screenscene "Paradise Road" Directed by Bruce Beresford Starring Glenn Close, Frances McDormand A film with an all-star cast of women is often considered a "chick flick," and the emotions it deals with sometimes inspire accusations of mushiness. With performances by Glenn Close, Oscar winner Frances McDormand, "ER’s" Julianna Margulies, Pauline Collins and Jennifer […]