Monk to honor late father whohelped define his career path

Wednesday, October 8, 1997 Monk to honor late father who helped define his career path MUSIC: Talented musician, bandleader pays tribute to his greatest influence By Sam Toussi Daily Bruin Contributor Like father, like son. Well, kind of. This Friday, at the Veteran’s Wadsworth Theater, Thelonius Sphere Monk Jr., better known as T.S. Monk, will […]


Wednesday, October 8, 1997 Soundbites Billy Joel "Greatest Hits Vol. III" (Columbia) It says something about an artist when he releases a third compilation of hits while he’s still an active recording artist. Either the performer is lucky enough to have flooded the radio with stellar songs, or the artist has let his recognized work […]

Everclear clarifies style with ‘Sparkle’

Tuesday, October 7, 1997 Everclear clarifies style with ‘Sparkle’ MUSIC: Band experiments with alt-pop, moving away from ‘grunge’ stereotype By Mike Prevatt Daily Bruin Senior Staff It seems that most of the alternative-rock bands who were labeled in the "grunge" category have changed their sound somewhat since the declaration of the music genre’s "death" in […]

Short Stories

Tuesday, October 7, 1997 Short Stories FILM: The first L.A. International Short Film Festival spreads the word about the industry’s quicker flicks By Lonnie Harris and Aimee Phan Daily Bruin Staff Film shorts don’t get much attention in Hollywood – mostly because their big brothers, the feature films, are the ones receiving all the commercial […]

Hudson Guild intensifies emotions of the audience

Tuesday, October 7, 1997 Hudson Guild intensifies emotions of the audience THEATER: Brilliantly acted roles breathe a woman’s destiny to life By Dayna Michaelsen Daily Bruin Contributor The lights went down on the Hudson Guild’s performance of Henrick Ibsen’s "Hedda Gabler" Saturday evening to the sound of loud approval from the audience. The insightful adaptation […]

‘The Ever Kleers’ perform incognito in Viper Room

Tuesday, October 7, 1997 ‘The Ever Kleers’ perform incognito in Viper Room MUSIC: Band promotes new album with friendly, laid-back entertainment By Mike Prevatt Daily Bruin Senior Staff Anyone with half a brain could have realized that "The Ever Kleers," the band the Viper Room’s marquis promoted to play on Friday night, was really the […]