A&E Briefs

Thursday, October 30, 1997 A&E Briefs ‘Spooky Shorts’ film festival today The American Cinematheque’s Independent Film Series will present "Spooky Shorts," a program of Halloween-inspired and horror- themed short films today. The films will include live action and animated shorts ranging from a man using witchcraft to win back his love, to a computer-animated romp […]


Wednesday, October 29, 1997 Soundbites Pixies, "Death to the Pixies" (4AD/Elektra) The Pixies are the Kevin Bacon of rock music. Knowledgeable music fans playing "Six Degrees of the Pixies" will have a good time connecting them to the multitude of bands they have either worked with or influenced. Now comes the arrival of "Death to […]

Standard Deviations

Wednesday, October 29, 1997 Standard Deviations DANCE: Lloyd Newson of DV8 Physical Theater examines the secret lives of everyday men in ‘Enter Achilles.’ By Nerissa Pacio Daily Bruin Senior Staff Secrets – everyone has them. A man privately caresses his blow-up sex-doll lover. Another man envisions homoerotic fantasies of hanging 30 feet in the air, […]

Morrissey jams ‘Maladjusted’

Wednesday, October 29, 1997 Morrissey jams ‘Maladjusted’ MUSIC: Songs from latest record brought followers to Thousand Oaks plaza By Mike Prevatt Daily Bruin Senior Staff Never underestimate Morrissey’s legion of insanely devoted fans. A half-hour before the ex-Smiths frontman, now solo performer, took the stage at the oddly-chosen Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza on Monday […]