Campy musical combines quirky humor, clever tunes

Wednesday, November 19, 1997 Campy musical combines quirky humor, clever tunes THEATER: Actors’ Gang production of ‘Bat Boy’ puts twist on U.S. genreBy Cheryl Klein Daily Bruin Senior Staff The only thing campier than a tabloid headline that reads "Bat boy found in West Virginia cave" is perhaps a musical version of that very story. […]

Beat poet Ginsberg lives on in ‘docu-diary’

Monday, November 17, 1997 Beat poet Ginsberg lives on in ‘docu-diary’ FILM: Movie shows late artist’s connections with common everyday peopleBy Stacy Sare Daily Bruin Contributor When the late Beat Generation poet Allen Ginsberg walks down the streets of New York City, he doesn’t spend his time with the rich and famous on Fifth Avenue […]

Sewing a story

Monday, November 17, 1997 For the Kuna culture, molas are both a work of art and a historical narrative. Now, Fowler Museum brings their stories to UCLA.By Terry Tang Daily Bruin Contributor Some cultures use pen and paper to record their histories. Others pass down oral stories to their children. However, the Kuna people ply […]

10,000 Maniacs heat up stage, mix new, old styles

Monday, November 17, 1997 10,000 Maniacs heat up stage, mix new, old styles MUSIC: Despite shaky start, new singer gels with band, pleases crowdBy Sharon Genadinik Daily Bruin Contributor No Natalie Merchant, not the same … not true. The departure of the 10,000 Maniacs’ much-loved lead singer to become a lone "tigerlily" in 1993 led […]