A&E Briefs

Thursday, January 15, 1998 A&E Briefs Win Karaoke jam contest This Saturday, to celebrate Adam Sandler’s newest film "The Wedding Singer" (which will be released Feb. 13) New Line Cinema, Star 98.7 FM, Pioneer and Planet Hollywood are sponsoring a "Karaoke Jam" at the Santa Monica Place across from the Third St. Promenade. Third prize […]

Grammys earn back prestige by recognizing worthy artists

Thursday, January 15, 1998 Grammys earn back prestige by recognizing worthy artists COLUMN: This year’s list of nominees includes Puff Daddy, Radiohead I have been watching the Grammy Awards since I was in the third grade. If I remember correctly, that was the year Michael Jackson won eight awards for his "Thriller" songs. I remember […]

‘Plays Well With Others’ lacking in passion, originality

Thursday, January 15, 1998 ‘Plays Well With Others’ lacking in passion, originality BOOK: Gurganus’ brave take on AIDS epidemic pales to Titanic tragedy By Kristi Nakamura Daily Bruin Contributor While Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio resurrect the legendary Titanic on the big screen and the casts of "Rent" lament the plight of young artists attempting […]

‘Half Baked’ delivers a peek into pot smoker culture

‘Half Baked’ delivers a peek into pot smoker culture FILM:Writer/comedian Chappelle based movie on real-life experiences By Stephanie Sheh Daily Bruin Senior Staff You know it as grass, reefer, hash and pot, among other names. And now there is an entire movie dedicated to everyone’s favorite herb. Opening Friday, "Half Baked" is the comedic tale […]

‘Women With Men’ explores the colder side of relationships

‘Women With Men’ explores the colder side of relationships BOOK:Author Richard Ford traces love and loss through three stories By Nerissa Pacio Daily Bruin Senior Staff Love is pink laced hearts on Valentine’s Day, swooning romantics on a hot August afternoon, and gondola rides with no particular destination except a gaze between lovers. But in […]