Stage is this group’s playground as it turns in top-notch performance

Friday, February 20, 1998 Stage is this group’s playground as it turns in top-notch performance MUSIC: Opening act Lincoln sets perfect tone for New York-based band By Vanessa VanderZanden Daily Bruin Staff It’s as simple as a poppies. It’s as sweet as sex and candy. It’s as innocent as a romp on Marcy Playground. Wednesday […]


Friday, February 20, 1998 Southbound Just because you’ve petted Shamu, don’t think you’ve seen all San Diego has to offer – from ‘Top Gun’ nostalgia to a phenomenon known as ‘body womping,’ the city to the south is full of weekend opportunities A well-toned woman walks through a strip mall with her son, who can’t […]


Friday, February 20, 1998 Screenscene FILM "I Love You … Don’t Touch Me!" Directed by Julie Davis Starring Marla Schaffel, Mitchell Whitfield and Michael Harris Great, another movie devoted to sex, sex and more sex. You’re probably thinking "Indecent Proposal," "Boogie Nights" or "Threesome." But wait! Try a movie about, of all things, virginity – […]

Under Tijuana’s fun exterior lies world of scary experiences

Friday, February 20, 1998 Under Tijuana’s fun exterior lies world of scary experiences COLUMN: Mexico trip turns into nights of beer, frightening encounters The world in general is a pretty scary place when you’re 19 years old, five feet tall and have the face of a child. Tijuana, Mexico? It’s hell on earth as far […]