Wednesday, April 22, 1998 Breaking out the ashtray MUSIC: The Din Pedals aim to clear the smoky haze of one-hit wonders on the radio with their emotionally driven single and album By Mike Prevatt Daily Bruin Senior Staff Upon entering the living quarters of on-the-rise alternative band the Din Pedals, one can’t avoid the notion […]
Category Archives: Arts
Ernie Hudson didn’t know who to call … so they called him
Wednesday, April 22, 1998 Ernie Hudson didn’t know who to call … so they called him TELEVISION: Ex-Ghostbuster’s faith in God, ability to overcome limitations has led to his success By Sandy Yang Daily Bruin Contributor A young actor, newly immersed in the Hollywood scene, searches for work. He chances on meeting an agent, only […]
Joe’s Myth has enthusiasm, but lacks originality
Wednesday, April 22, 1998 Joe’s Myth has enthusiasm, but lacks originality MUSIC: Despite high energy, band’s bland sound doesn’t leave any lasting impression By Vanessa VanderZanden Daily Bruin Staff The pony-tailed, casually dressed lead singer suavely takes the stage. His drummer and bassist, likewise, move in on their spots, ready to electrify the amplifiers. And […]
Wednesday, April 22, 1998 Soundbites Various Artists, "Shooting Fish," (Capitol/ Premier) For those of you who miss Britpop, the soundtrack to the new movie "Shooting Fish" is right up your alley. Featuring artists like the Bluetones, Dubstar and the Wannadies, this very happy and poppy compilation should cure any sort of depression or blues within […]
Production leaves audience heartbroken
Tuesday, April 21, 1998 Production leaves audience heartbroken THEATER: Inconsistent accents, wooden acting cripple classic by Shaw By Danielle Myer Daily Bruin Contributor George Bernard Shaw, in his wittiness, would probably have laughed at the misinterpretation and poor representation of his play, "Heartbreak House." Running at the Knightsbridge Theatre in Old Town Pasadena, the actors […]
Space’s aesthetics call individuality, society into question
Tuesday, April 21, 1998 Space’s aesthetics call individuality, society into question ART: Interrelated objects of exhibit focus attention on mechanization, loss By Vanessa VanderZanden Daily Bruin Staff In a gallery the size of a large bathroom, a few simple art pieces take shape. However, they’re not exactly the sort of items you might hang in […]
The good, the skinnee and the stumpy
Tuesday, April 21, 1998 The good, the skinnee and the stumpy MUSIC: The fashionably goofy riot nrrrds of 2 Skinnee J’s owe it all to their mysterious leader, one A.J. Stumpy Johnson By Jeremy Engel Daily Bruin Contributor The name A.J. Stumpy Johnson rolls off the tongue right along with the smoothest figures of our […]