Bringing with them the fictional world of their latest album, “Act III: Life and Death,” The Dear Hunter will perform at the Knitting Factory this Friday.
Category Archives: Music
Concert Review: Miike Snow
The walls of The Echo pounded to the bass of Andrew Wyatt’s synthesizer.
Jazz icon Wynton Marsalis and the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra to play at Royce Hall
The Royce Hall stage has seen some of the biggest names in theater, dance and music. UCLA continues to exercise its pull as a cultural and academic center as UCLA Live welcomes the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra.
Bringing hair and flair to L.A.’s music scene
From the looks of Ben Esser, who hails from Essex County, a quaint part of the United Kingdom, southeast England must be another planet. It may be pretty standard for the area, but Esser is definitely not your standard pop star.
Soundbite: “God & Guns”
On the “knowing what you’re gonna get” spectrum, there’s Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates at one end, and Lynyrd Skynyrd at the other.
Soundbite: “Celebration”
The greatest hits record worked in Madonna’s favor in the late ’80s when she was an immaculate singles artist who created immaculate singles and in turn compiled “The Immaculate Collection.”
Student animates fantasy world
There are few among us who can find inspiration in grotesque cartoons that depict death, yet to some a certain beauty lingers in that timelessness.