Spring Sing Profile: Random Voices A Cappella

For every major performance, UCLA’s all-female Random Voices A Capella chooses one encompassing word to focus its energy on. As the group prepares to cover an unrevealed song by the iconic Madonna for this year’s Spring Sing, its current word seems fitting: “passion.” “Random Voices has one of the lowest ranges I’ve heard in terms […]

Spring Sing Profile: The Street Hearts

Walking into The Street Hearts’ rehearsal, it is clear that the five musicians are comfortable with one other. They complete one other’s sentences, comfortably sway together in time and tease one other. In preparing for its upcoming Spring Sing performance on Friday the folk-soul band is working to bring that intimacy to all aspects of […]

Spring Sing Profile: Alex Liu and Eric Jung

The first time Alex Liu and Eric Jung met was during a desperate scramble to fill empty spaces in a production roster. As a second-year student, Liu realized his fraternity’s 2011 Spring Sing production was lacking musicians and reached out to Jung, then a first-year, through recommendations by friends and fraternity brothers. Three Spring Sings […]

Spring Sing Profile: Courtney Randall and Beat Rhino

Courtney Randall dreamed about singing at Spring Sing before she’d even been accepted to UCLA. In 2011, her dream came true. Randall, a first-year at the time, took home the award for best overall entry and the honor of best solo artist the following year. Her 2014 performance will bring together two styles of music […]