UCLA alum starts kids’ dance, music company Backseat Beats

In her freshman year of high school, Shadi Amirieh volunteered for a nonprofit organization, the Friendship Circle, where she mentored and guided children with autism. Inspired by her experience, she wanted to start a company so that parents and their kids could enjoy themselves while improving the children’s motor skills and development, the UCLA alumna […]

Theater Review: ‘En Garde Arts: Basetrack Live’

“En Garde Arts: Basetrack Live” Directed by Seth Bockley Royce Hall 4 Paws A single violin plays as an array of grandiose music builds alongside a montage of videos and images. In the foreground of this digital collage stands a man, upright and strong. It is his narration that will bring life to a series […]

Across the Pond: Trip-hop innovator Massive Attack brings cultural flavors of Bristol

There’s something about the British Isles that consistently produces musical greatness; it is inherent to the country, its people and its culture. Popular culture has been defined by bands and artists from the UK; they have consistently created new genres and musical subcultures – from the Beatles’ psychedelic rock in the ’60s all the way […]

Album Review: ‘You’re Dead!’

It is impossible to put Flying Lotus, Steven Ellison’s electronic musician stage name, and his upcoming album, “You’re Dead!,” under one genre. Jazz-inspired with elements of hip-hop, “You’re Dead!” is a psychedelic electronic album that could only be described as a spiritual journey reminiscent of the psychedelic rock of the ’60s repackaged for the listeners […]