Herstory at UCLA photoblog shares women’s stories, promotes feminism

Shella Michael arrived in Los Angeles in 1982 after fleeing the aftermath of the Armenian genocide and the Lebanese civil war. She later had the opportunity to showcase her artwork at the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. However, her parents refused to allow the young woman to move to Italy, afraid she could not accomplish […]

Students recount experiences with artistic summer internships, jobs

Shayna Warner used tape to hold a tripod rig together during her summer internship. While working at the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival, she learned to over-prepare rather than under-prepare. Two weeks later, her filming setup was organized instead of makeshift. “It was basically creative Girl Scouts on overdrive,” said Warner, a second-year world arts […]

Son inspires UCLA alumna to ‘go green’ with fast, healthy foods

Jeanne Cheng packs lunches in a shade of green each day for her son, Kye. Green eggs, green apple juice and green mac and cheese all fortified with added vegetables are just a few of the items featured in his lunchbox. “For his hamburgers, I’d blend swiss chard and different vegetables into the meat,” said […]

Q&A: LA Times CEO, publisher discusses the book club Reading Los Angeles

Austin Beutner grew up in a small town in the Midwest, where he said food trucks have yet to hit the culinary scene. Unlike in his homeland, the food landscape of sunny Los Angeles has allowed food trucks to flourish due to the efforts of entrepreneurs like Kogi BBQ truck co-founder Roy Choi. As the […]

UCLA student sells customized beanies to multiple UC campuses

Chloe Yang and her friends sold customized beanies for a group economics project in high school. When the class was over, none of her friends looked back. Yang, however, decided to move forward with the business. Today, the rising second-year pre-human biology and society student owns Calicoast Co., which she operates during school breaks at […]

Roaring Nights at the Los Angeles Zoo brings back ’80s music, style

Hoards of zebra print leggings and crimped curls teased to lions’ mane proportions roamed rampant outside the lined gates of the Los Angeles Zoo. But rather than a scene of a mass animal outbreak, the commotion belonged only to ’80s-clad zoo-goers queued up Friday for the zoo’s final event of its annual summer music series: […]

Alumna sinks teeth into promoting healthy eating with e-book

Alumna Jennifer Glockner studied nutrition and completed a dietetic internship after finishing her studies at UCLA. Glockner then discovered her sister, alumna Dorit Warner, was pregnant and that her grandmother had been diagnosed with multiple cancers. Glockner realized food is a powerful tool that could not only help her grandmother recover, but could also positively […]