There’s no better place to keep a finger on the pulse of arts and entertainment happenings than Los Angeles. The A&E world is alive – it’s always buzzing, sometimes ready to implode with a hint of a surprise album or a celebrity’s controversial statement. Each week, the Daily Bruin A&E editors will discuss their views […]
Category Archives: Lifestyle
UCLA students find nostalgia in casual, edgy ’90s fashion throwbacks
Selena Lomeli cherishes a ’90s maxi jean dress with gold details that her mother has passed down to her. “When I think of ’90s, I think of my mom,” said Lomeli, a third-year cognitive science student. Lomeli is one of many students on campus reverting back to plastic chokers, denim jeans and crop tops. Students […]
Alum, food blogger keeps college athlete persona
BY ANNA SAVISAAR A&E contributor Alumnus Josh Scherer received a Chipotle gift card and, jokingly, an acorn squash during a Secret Santa dinner with the UCLA track and field team. He asked to keep the squash and ended up roasting it, pureeing it and piping it on top of sugar cookies. As a college […]
Comic Book Review: ‘Mortal Kombat X #12’
“Finish him!” – with two words, “Mortal Kombat” forever changed the landscape of video games and popular culture. Centered around a series of fight-to-the-death tournaments where the best fighters from the world’s multiple realms battle for supremacy, “Mortal Kombat” set a new standard for video game violence and even caused the congressional hearings that created […]
Book Review: ‘Olivay’
In large, boldfaced text at the top of the back cover of “Olivay” by Deborah Reed are the words, “We don’t believe that our lives can change in an instant – until they do.” It is an elegant statement that, at first glance, promises depth and profundity. However, upon a closer look, its meaning is […]
Q&A: UCLA Extension professor speaks on new novel ‘Olivay,’ perseverance
Deborah Reed started writing in 2011 under the pen name Audrey Braun to avoid the genre writer label. The UCLA Extension professor felt authors that wrote thrillers or science fiction novels, like her, were stigmatized as lesser kinds of writers than those that wrote literary fiction. Thus she used the last name Braun, the German […]
Hype overshadows true purpose of No Shave November campaign
Amit Pujari felt like a gorilla at a November wedding when he was 16 years old. The first-year molecular, cell and developmental biology student was not clad in a leftover, full-bodied Halloween costume; he was embracing an untamed, full beard for No Shave November. It was Pujari’s first time participating in No Shave November, a […]