The original version of this article contained an error and has been changed. See the bottom of the article for additional information. Jeff Lewis was hiking a 4,000-foot mountain in Washington when the rain turned to snow and the winds began to blow at 50 miles per hour. Lewis had seen satellite images of the area […]
Category Archives: Lifestyle
Q&A: Author Michael Jeffrey Lee talks about ‘Something in My Eye’
After graduating from UCLA in 2004 with a degree in English, Michael Jeffrey Lee traded in his native California coastline for the Gulf Coast, moving to New Orleans. He went on to get his graduate degree in creative writing at the University of Alabama, and in 2012, Lee published his first collection of short stories, “Something […]
Book Review: ‘Something in My Eye’
Much like having something stuck between your eyelid and cornea, UCLA alumnus Michael Jeffrey Lee’s writing can be very uncomfortable. “Something in My Eye,”Lee’s debut short story collection, resulted in his receiving the 2010 Mary McCarthy Prize for short fiction. The collection features 12 exquisitely crafted anecdotes that fall under experimental fiction, centering around themes […]
The Veg Heads: UCLA’s vegetarian and vegan food options
Vegetarianism is in the midst of a cultural renaissance. Now more than ever, people cut out meat, fish and – for the vegans among us – even milk and cheese for reasons such as health, environmental protection or even plain curiosity.
Santa Monica ferris wheel gets new look at Glow art event
There is a noticeable presence to the Santa Monica Pier’s Pacific Wheel.
During the day, it absorbs the sun’s rays as the world’s only solar-powered ferris wheel. At night, it transforms this energy into a rotating mass of colored lights, broadcasting its whereabouts miles across the Santa Monica beachfront.
Imagination Workshop builds actors though theater therapy
The stage is set with a plastic surgeon, a wealthy divorcee, a maniac and a TV star who all find themselves lost in the Bermuda Triangle on a cruise ship. While it bears the trademarks of a typical theater performance, the production is actually a form of therapy.
pLAces: Bob Baker Marionette Theater
Hidden beneath a Los Angeles overpass, Bob Baker’s Marionette Theater continues its fifty year legacy of bringing marionettes to life. Veteran puppeteers Eric De La Cruz and Alex Evans discuss their involvement in the historic theater as they carefully pull the strings of an aged art form.