A&E Winter Lifestyle | Theater Preview

Paralleling the temperatures falling below Los Angeles’ typical 70 degrees, winter quarter often marks a slump in mood, grades and activities for many UCLA students. Although leaving hibernation – also known as a bed and Netflix account – seems daunting, the winter season does bring reasons to brave the outdoors. Here are a few A&E-filled;, […]

Post-holiday season prompts regifting, repurposing unwanted presents

‘Twas the season to be jolly. But now, as the last of the fa la la’s echo 2014 out the door, one may find him or herself left with an old copy of Charles Dickens from a best friend’s annual white elephant gift exchange or a frumpy, oversized sweater from Grandma that hasn’t made any […]

Urban Confections: Macarons create Parisian oasis in downtown LA

Los Angeles is home to numerous dessert shops that feature a range of treats from cupcakes to doughnuts to shakes. Urban Confections will select dessert restaurants whose only West Coast location is Los Angeles, highlighting students’ opportunities to taste the city’s distinctive flavors. Follow columnist Lindsay Weinberg around Los Angeles as she samples local confections […]

Students celebrate winter holidays with gift exchanges

Now is the time of year when De Neve Dining Hall starts serving leftover turkey, water falls from the sky and winter break looms ominously over the student body. As in every year, students mark the return to classic holiday themes – red and white clothing, holiday sweaters on Bruinwalk – signifying that the season […]

Second Take: Amazon breathes new life into ‘The Man in the High Castle’

After a long delay, one of Philip K. Dick’s unreal worlds just became slightly realer. Amazon has finished filming a pilot for an online ongoing series based off of Dick’s “The Man in the High Castle” after years of languishing in pre-production, including a canceled Syfy miniseries. It’s being produced by Ridley Scott, of “Blade […]

The pLAces you’ll go: Silver Lake Farmers Market

There are more than 500 square miles of city surrounding UCLA’s campus, which takes up a minuscule fraction of that mileage. For such a big place, Los Angeles at times seems impossible to navigate. But don’t let size steer you away from your sense of adventure and curiosity. For the last time this quarter, follow […]