Nowadays, tickets for a movie can run anywhere from $8 to $10 to even $15 per ticket.
Category Archives: Film & TV
Film Review: “The Lovely Bones”
Film adaptations of bestselling books rarely measure up to their literary counterparts. This is undeniably the case with Peter Jackson’s watered down rendition of Alice Sebold’s novel, “The Lovely Bones.”
TV Review: “Human Target”
Prospective viewers can get insight into the intellectual quality of this new action series on Fox by thinking for a small moment about its title: “Human Target.”
An alternative moviegoing experience
Soda shops, jukeboxes, gas station attendants and drive-in theaters are all things of the past hearkening back to the days of the mom and pop store around the corner.
Q&A with Matt Tyrnauer
Los Angeles-born Matt Tyrnauer has been working as a special correspondent for Vanity Fair, writing articles about personalities ranging from Martha Stewart to Siegfried and Roy, for the past 18 years.
American Cinematheque to present showcase “˜Focus on Female Directors’ at Egyptian Theatre
American Cinematheque’s upcoming celebration of female directors will showcase short films as diverse as the women behind the cameras, everything from documentaries to historical drama to music videos.
“Pee-wee” flies back onto LA stage
Revivals often offer a pleasant sense of nostalgia, from the Spice Girls reunion tour to the rebirth of shows like “Melrose Place,” and now, Pee-wee Herman’s live stage show.