The late 19th century period piece “Princess Kaiulani” is based on the true story of diplomacy in defense of a nation, and at many times, it comes across as trite.
Category Archives: Film & TV
Screen Scene: Letters to Juliet
When viewers make the decision to go see a romantic comedy, they can generally expect to see the same generic storyline, set in a different city, with different lead actors, and hopefully embellished with decent acting or outrageous jokes. Despite the authors’ best efforts at originality, “Letters to Juliet” definitely follows the prescribed storyline and does little else.
Film “HouseQuake” documents the 2006 congressional elections
If there is a political equivalent to Kanye West, as well-known for his dramatic flair as for his talent, it is Rahm Emanuel, President Barack Obama’s chief of staff. At a political roast in 2005, Obama joked that when Emanuel lost part of his middle finger in a work accident years ago, it “rendered him practically mute.”
Students’ films hit TV
For student filmmakers, having their work shown at film festivals is a mark of prestige, even though the films shown reach a limited audience ““ those in attendance.
Film “˜Rangoon Cocoon’ reveals culture, everyday life from Burma’s largest city
Burmese Student Association at UCLA president Justin Lee understands that U.S. opinion on Burma is pretty limited.
Bruins’ short films go a long way
With the little time and money that most student filmmakers are able to put into their projects, it’s a rare occurrence that such projects make it to one of the most esteemed film festivals in the world.
Screen Scene: “Babies”
The advent of the “Planet Earth” series may have died down, but the phenomenon of the nature documentary has taken an exciting (and humanistic) turn with Focus Features’ new film “Babies.”