“Don’t you all have finals?” Judd Apatow asked the packed house in Royce Hall, and the crowd tittered.
Category Archives: Film & TV
Apatow to receive Jack Benny Award
As the man who directed “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” and “Knocked Up,” and produced “Superbad,” “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” and its upcoming spin-off “Get Him to the Greek,” Judd Apatow is the reason why this brand of raunchy comedy has been unavoidable in every theater for the last six years.
Screen Scene: “Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time”
The mere idea of turning a video game into a live-action film is ambitious enough, with cinematic masterpieces such as “Super Mario Bros.” (1993) setting the bar. How can you top Dennis Hopper shooting lasers at John Leguizamo while giant lizard men roam around? “Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time” may boast a larger budget and 17 years’ worth of new technology, but neither saves it from sinking in the quicksand.
Shorttakes Student Film Festival showcases top 15 finalists
Tonight, fame, glory, prizes and coast to coast bragging rights will be bestowed upon the best films submitted to the Campus Events Commission’s 16th annual Shorttakes Student Film Festival.
Alumni bring MacGruber to theaters
What was originally pitched as a “Saturday Night Live” sketch about MacGyver’s stepbrother who diffuses bombs using pieces of poop and pubic hair is now a feature-length movie titled “MacGruber.”
“˜Lost’ culminates in frenzy of mystery, suspense
Amid thoughts and worries about finals and looming paper deadlines, students who are fans of the television show “Lost” are passionately meditating theories of Egyptian mysteries, biblical illusions and the conflict between science and faith.
Lift your head to “˜The Philosopher Kings’
Leticia Chavez’s day begins in the lobby of Hedrick Hall, where she works her way up seven floors, emptying the garbage cans of each lounge and laundry room before the crack of dawn, as students sleep soundly in their bunks.