As audiences stared in awe as Jake Sully and the Na’vi flew over the lush jungles of the planet Pandora, visually it was the rebirth of an old cinema staple with cutting-edge advancement in technology.
Category Archives: Film & TV
The Movie Research Experience gets audiences involved in filmmaking
Imagine being able to determine the outcome of a film after simply viewing the trailer. Would Ferris Bueller have gotten a day off? Would Leonardo DiCaprio have survived “Titanic?” It’s audience input such as this that the UCLA Movie Research Experience is exploring in order to improve filmmaking.
Modern Family’ series strikes a chord with students by having something to offer everyone
This evening at the Paley Center, Steve Levitan and Christopher Lloyd, cocreators and executive producers of “Modern Family,” will give a talk about their hit TV show. The event, to be held at the Writers Guild Theater at 7 p.m., is the second of three parts of a series the Paley Center is putting on this July called “Inside the Writers Room.”
Playwright Henry Ong’s piece “˜Fabric,’ the story of 72 Thai garment workers enslaved in El Monte, comes to the Company of Angels Theatre at The Alexandria
Fifteen years ago, 30 miles east of Westwood, the first widely known case of slavery in the U.S. since the end of the Civil War was uncovered in Los Angeles County’s city of El Monte.
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We all know what it’s like to be a teenager, when every personal problem seems to threaten the very balance of the universe, when our every emotion is as overwrought as a My Chemical Romance song.
Cinefamily’s Second Annual Comedy Festivals to host a night of unaired TV pilots
It’s ON ““ on The Other Network that is ““ where comical unaired TV pilots of past years find refuge and appreciation.
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At times, “Let it Rain” comes off as an experiment to see how far you can push an inherently incompatible trio before the relationship begins to seem contrived.