When a film made for around $50,000 about a male-prostitute-turned-political-radical earned almost $20 million dollars and became required viewing for the Black Panthers, Hollywood noticed.
Category Archives: Film & TV
If you really dig a movie, do it twice
In recent years, Hollywood has become known for reducing, reusing and recycling plot lines from various books, television shows and even other movies.
New Time Warner Cable contest opens doors for filmmakers
For the indelible mark it has left on our culture, it is hard to imagine that just a little over five years ago, we were without YouTube.
The new season
September apparently brings 113-degree temperatures this year, but also the usual bounty of new TV shows.
New director at the helm of Melnitz Movies
Within the world of cinema, only movies with the biggest names, biggest budgets and biggest studios behind them seem to be shown by our local theaters.
Films coming from independent, foreign or experimental directors with just as much to offer oftentimes find no venue to share their artistic value.
This is where second-year cinema and media studies graduate student Phil Coldiron comes in.
From crypt to screen
There may be no better way to prepare for the month of October than with a dark theater and a scary movie.
Why we love ourselves on television
I want to see myself on television, and so do you. So does the person sitting next to you in class, and your old friends from high school. Your professors, too.