A young man sits down to eat his first lobster. The sleeves of his tangerine prison jumpsuit are torn off to reveal 17 scars on his arm, one for each of his victims. The warden surveilling him from behind metal bars growls, “I’m going to love watching you die.”
Category Archives: Film & TV
Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood opens its doors for monthly tours
Almost 90 years ago, the Egyptian Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard held the first ever Hollywood movie premiere.
Director Aaron Katz to screen atypical detective movie ‘Cold Weather’ at James Bridges Theater
When Aaron Katz brought his fellow filmmakers into production for “Cold Weather” in the fall of 2008, he didn’t have the opening shot in mind.
Zeta Phi Rho to host Blu Carpet Affair film festival to raise funds for hospital
In this season of red carpets, Zeta Phi Rho will break the trend and instead roll out a blue version of the quintessential award ceremony prop.
Animators to be honored at Annie Awards in Royce Hall
Gerard Butler, Steve Carell, Mandy Moore and Tom Hanks are just some of the well-known voices of this year’s animated films, but the true stars of the Annie Awards are the animators.
Screen Scene: “Sanctum”
“Sanctum,” James Cameron’s latest project (he serves as the film’s producer) is a natural disaster film that looks like a horror movie, or a serious “based on true events” film shot in 3-D.
Graduate student Lucas Mireles premieres short film “Hijo de mi Madre”
According to Lucas Mireles, some stories will kill you if you don’t tell them.