Environmental advocates Julia Butterfly Hill and actress Daryl Hannah to speak on sustainability in Earth Week discussion

On Dec. 10, 1997 environmental and social justice advocate Julia Butterfly Hill first climbed up the California redwood tree named Luna to save it from being logged in Humboldt County.

Seminar to explore film editing process at Egyptian Theatre

Shower. Knife. Scream. Knife. Drain.

It wasn’t conventional filmmaking in 1960, but it became the recipe for one of the most iconic film scenes in history.

But while it was that infamous sequence from “Psycho” that made audiences afraid in their own bathrooms, it’s still being used as a valuable teaching tool for film students and aficionados the world over.

It’s scenes like this that will be on display Wednesday night at the Egyptian Theatre, as film consultant Thomas Ethan Harris hosts “In the Cut: Employing the Art of Editing.” This is one in a series of “visual communication seminars,” as Harris refers to them, that offer a communal atmosphere to talk about key elements in the filmmaking process.

Vice co-founder Shane Smith to speak at UCLA on media empire’s involvement with Coachella, new TV show

Shane Smith, co-founder of the Vice media empire, will talk to UCLA students about Vice’s involvement in Coachella, politics and Vice’s new show, “The Vice Guide to Everything,” at 8 p.m. today in Ackerman Grand Ballroom.